Local sandwich/ shawarma shop for sale in San Francisco outer sunset off Taraval street. They also sell salads, bagels and smoothies at this joint. Rent is super cheap at $2750.00 a month. Approximately 600 square feet with some seating as well. Seller is moving out of the country. This spot is perfect for sushi. No hood. There is coffee shop, boba tea and noodle shop in the same building. Lincoln high school is nearby just a few blocks down. Some of the equipment included are chest freezer, meat slicer, prep table, rice cooker, small bakery oven, one door freezer, two door refrigerator, display fridge and more. Please call for a private showing
Population | 1-mi. | 3-mi. | 5-mi |
2014 Total Population | 42,175 | 399,646 | 794,444 |
Households | 1-mi. | 3-mi. | 5-mi |
2010 Number Of Households | 15,445 | 158,390 | 325,453 |
2010 Persons Per Household | 2.81 | 2.49 | 2.38 |
Median House Value | $734,400 | $828,634 | $764,966 |
Income Per Household | $83,407 | $87,243 | $77,370 |
Businesses | 1-mi. | 3-mi. | 5-mi |
2009 Number Of Businesses | 644 | 7,587 | 19,998 |
2012 Number Of Employees | 10,802 | 132,848 | 512,706 |
2012 Total Annual Payroll | $256,816,000 | $2,658,576,000 | $4,294,967,295 |
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