“Flower shop with 5 star Yelp reviews for sale in San Mateo with a great history of amazing customer service and beautiful floral arrangements, plants and gift baskets all hand delivered. Since 1984, the owner has helped strengthen relationships, give love and support, and celebrates life moments. From birthdays to anniversaries, or to commemorate a loved one and “just because” moments, every arrangement is made to convey a personal message. The lease amount is $2,373.00 with annual sales between $403,000-430,000. Seller is retiring and hoping to leave the shop in the right hands to keep the legacy going.
Population | 1-mi. | 3-mi. | 5-mi |
2014 Total Population | 42,013 | 163,697 | 248,204 |
Households | 1-mi. | 3-mi. | 5-mi |
2010 Number Of Households | 15,729 | 62,323 | 95,347 |
2010 Persons Per Household | 2.49 | 2.50 | 2.48 |
Median House Value | $755,400 | $784,088 | $840,002 |
Income Per Household | $90,764 | $96,106 | $102,944 |
Businesses | 1-mi. | 3-mi. | 5-mi |
2009 Number Of Businesses | 1,093 | 4,745 | 8,624 |
2012 Number Of Employees | 56,498 | 180,010 | 316,212 |
2012 Total Annual Payroll | $2,310,200,000 | $4,294,967,295 | $4,294,967,295 |
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